Meet your No. 1 Candidates

Cr. Lucinda Regan

Bellevue Hill

As a Councillor, Lucinda has advocated against overdevelopment and sought to preserve the special heritage and character of our area.  She has called for improvements in our development controls, actively pursued difficult issues and pushed back against State Government policies. She has advocated for delivery of local facilities and services for families and young adults in a manner that is sustainable to our built and natural environment and she has actively campaigned for Council to take control of Crown Lands in the area to ensure preservation of green open space.  She is an active member of the Rose Bay Beach working party, campaigning to clean up our beaches and waterways.  She believes there are many issues that will be coming before Council in the next term where the community will need a resident focused voice.

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Cr. Luise Elsing


Since Luise was first elected to Council in 2012 she has been passionate about protecting the individual rights of residents, the enjoyment of public places and the preservation of  the heritage and character of our local neighbourhoods.  She is particularly concerned about traffic and parking and delivering solutions which enhance residents’ experience and quality of life. As an independent Councillor Luise is best positioned to ensure that Woollahra Council advocates of behalf of its residents in relation to State Government development targets and controls. This is particularly relevant in relation to proposed overdevelopment in Double Bay and Edgecliff.

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Cr. Mark Silcocks

Double Bay

Mark was elected to Council in September 2019 as a Councillor for the Double Bay Ward, which covers Darling Point, Edgecliff, Double Bay and Point Piper.

During the last 4 years he has worked tirelessly to ensure Woollahra Residents who have any issues or concerns are given a fair hearing on Council and get any problems resolved as quickly and smoothly as possible.

He has campaigned especially heavily to protect and preserve Double Bay as Sydney’s Stylish Bayside Village

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Cr. Harriet Price


Since her election to Council, Harriet’s dedication to Paddington remains unabated. Harriet was awarded the 2019 Sydney Electorate Woman of the year for her ongoing contribution to Paddington and beyond. The award recognised her advocacy on local issues – including the campaign to heritage list the Four in Hand Hotel and her work to return the Paddington Bowling Club Site to public use. The award also named Harriet as a role model for women seeking elected office.

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Full Ward Candidates

Merrill Witt


Merrill is a founding member of the Vaucluse West Residents Association. Over the past few years, she has worked closely with the neighbouring residents’ associations of Rose Bay and Double Bay to fight overdevelopment and lobby for better protection of heritage, local character, views, tree canopy and passive green space. Merrill wants to keep our parks friendly for dog walkers and free from commercialisation. If elected, she will strongly advocate for the incorporation of state of the art community facilities into Council redevelopment projects.

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