Cr Lucinda Regan Bellevue Hill
Lucinda is a local, active and independent community advocate for resident issues, with a background in economics and law. As a current Councillor, Lucinda is fighting overdevelopment and seeking to preserve the special heritage and character of this municipality. She has campaigned with local residents groups to protect heritage assets such as the Uniting Church in Rose Bay, the Rose Bay Scout Hall, the Sydney Croquet Club, Percival Park pumping station and various other vulnerable assets and neighbourhood conservation areas.
Lucinda lives in Rose Bay with her family and understands the need to deliver local facilities and services for families, children and young adults in a manner that is sustainable to our built and natural environment. She has led the push to deliver multi use netball and basketball courts in the municipality, with the successful delivery of courts at Christion Park, the first in the municipality. She has actively campaigned for Council to take control of Crown Lands in the area to ensure preservation of green open space and is an active member of the Rose Bay Beach working party, campaigning to clean up the beach and waterways in the area.
Fighting Overdevelopment
The NSW State Government has set targets for new dwellings in Woollahra. These targets are based of the capacity of the area to tolerate new development. In Woollahra, new developments since 2016 to 2026 have well exceeded these targets. This is why we are experiencing traffic congestion, contested public spaces, pressure on facilities and public services and increased compromises to amenity.
Lucinda has been fighting overdevelopment by:
- advocating for amendments to planning controls including:
- increased lot sizes for dual occupancies,
- removal of SEPP senior’s development advantages from low density residential zones
- rezoning land back to low density residential
- insisting on compliance with development controls
- fighting for a community voice in planning decisions and improved consultation with residents
- opposing overdevelopment of Council assets including the Woollahra Oval and the residential component in Double Bay carpark
- preserving heritage and seeking to tighten heritage controls
- advocating for preservation of special local character areas
- ensuring a hydrological and geotechnical study of Bellevue Hill and Rose Bay catchment to properly identify issues arising from increased development
- proper zoning of open space including Double Bay Bowling Club preservation of land for private recreational use
Improving Public Spaces
The population in Woollahra has increased with many new families needing access to recreational areas, accessing roads and footpaths and enjoying our open spaces. Changes are necessary to accommodate additional usage and improve delivery of facilities.
Lucinda has sought to improve public spaces by:
- advocating for protection of tree canopy and the proper pruning and maintenance of fig trees
- progressing controls on outdoor lighting
- insisting on improvements to the pedestrianisation of suburbs such as the Rose Bay Centre including traffic calming measures
- seeking better controls over air conditioning, building services and fire hydrant booster placement so not to detract from streetscape
- installation of facilities to enable children to play sport and exercise eg: multi-use netball and basketball courts in Christison Park and advocating for an upgrade of the courts at Lough Park
- cleaning up Rose Bay beach and waterways
- advocating for return of the Crown Land to the residents for their use including the Vaucluse Bowling Club site and ensuring that Crown Land in Watson Bay land is not turned over to developers
- advocating for the protection, proper management and funding of the Centennial Park and Moore Park trust lands
- successfully advocating for improved stormwater signage, rain gardens in catchment areas
Lucinda is voice for residents on Council and wants to hear about your concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact her.