Last Council Term

Fighting back against overdevelopment 

  • Notice of Motion (NoM) requesting that the Local Housing Strategy be revised in order to reflect that Woollahra’s 800 net additional dwellings target for the 10 year period beginning 2016 has already been achieved (889 additional dwellings have so far been approved or constructed[1]), and that an uplift in density in Edgecliff is not required to meet housing targets. (Vote Lost 7 to 8 – with all Liberal Councillors voting against, 25 October 2021)
  • Voted against the Liberal Councillors NoM to place on public exhibition the draft Edgecliff Commercial Centre Planning & Urban Design Strategy, which proposes adding approximately 1,200 net new dwellings to an already heavily populated area. (All Liberal Councils voted for its public exhibition, Carried, 26 April 2021)
  • NoM requesting that the Council write to relevant Government agencies asking for the withdrawal of the target of 500-600 new dwellings in Woollahra Local Government Area for 2021 – 2026 on the grounds that this target has already been exceeded. (Carried, 26 April 2021)
  • NoM requesting that Council undertake a hydrogeological and geotechnical study for the Rose Bay/lower Bellevue Hill region, similar to the study recently undertaken for the Double Bay region to assess the potential cumulative impact of future development on long term groundwater change and to inform Council of any amendments required to existing planning controls.(Carried, 29 September 2020.[2])
  • NoM requesting that Council write to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) seeking an exemption from the Housing for Seniors SEPP for R2 Low Density Residential.(Carried, 22 February 2021)
  • NoM to rezone properties in Riddell Street, Bellevue Hill from R3 medium density to R2 low density residential in order to alleviate density pressures. (Carried,12 August 2019)

Protecting local character, heritage and residential amenity

  • NoM to establish a heritage advisory committee to provide Council with strategic advice. (Carried, 27 September 2021. But only supported by one Liberal Councillor)
  • NoM to revise the draft Double Bay Planning and Urban Design Strategy in order to reflect the Council’s commitment to the current development controls and desired future character of the Double Bay commercial centre, which limit the maximum height limit to 4 storeys for most of the centre. (Carried, 26 April 2021 But only one supported by one Liberal Councillor.)
  • NoM to improve pedestrianisation and traffic calming measures in the Rose Bay area and to report on traffic movement and density, particularly in the heavily utised roads of Dover Road and Newcastle Street. (Carried, 29 September 2020. NoM [3])
  • NoM to identifiy areas that are important to the local character and the natural and visual environment of the municipality with a view to retaining the dominance of landscape over built form in order to enhance the local character and amenity of the area. (Carried, 11 November 2019)
  • NoM to increase the minimum lot size for dual occupancy attached developments to preserve green space and local character (Carried, 12 August 2019)

Increasing community infrastructure and improving residential amentity

  • NoM to prepare a report identifying suitable sites in the municipality that can be purchased for community purposes. (Carried, 25 November 2019)
  • NoM to urgently investigate acquiring the heritage-listed Charles Wentworth Memorial Church for community use (Carried, 11 October 2021, but only one Liberal Councillor supported the NoM)
  • Advocated for taking over the lease of the Paddington Bowling Club.
  • Advocated for community access to the White City redevelopment and for the protection of residential amenity in the surrounding streets from any adverse impacts of the sports complex’s expanded operations.

Promoting transparency and confidence in Council processes

  • NoM requesting that the Council write to the NSW Planning Minister outlining concerns regarding recent changes to the operation of the Local Planning Panels, which tip the pendulum too far in favour of the developers and limit community input. (Carried, 27 July 2021)
  • NoM requesting that the Council prepare a costings report for an independent review of Land and Environment Court proceedings over the past Council term from 2017 to date where the outcome of those proceedings is inconsistent with Council’s recommendations and/or the decisions of the planning panels. (Carried, 11 August 2021)
  • Voted against Liberal Councillors’ NoM to limit the pool of community representatives on the local planning panels from 9 to 4 with no alternates. (All Liberal Councillors voted for this arrangement. Carried, 27 July 2021. Three of the 4 community representatives are former Woollahra Councillors)
  • Voted against Liberal Councillors’ NoM to approve the draft Woollahra Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) Policy 2019 on the grounds that it would undermine existing planning controls (Carried, 10 February 2020, with all the Liberal Councillors supporting the use of VPAs.)

Voted against the Liberal Councillors’ NoM to apply for funding from the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program on the grounds that the Council would have to commit to accelerating DA processing times and increase new development capacity. (Carried, 24 August 2020 with all Liberal Councillors voting to apply for funding.[4])

[1] Updated information provided on 25 October 2021 in response to a Question on Notice by Residents First Councilor Luise Elsing.

[2] NoM co-sponsored by Councillor Shapiro. Residents First Councillors often request that Liberal or Greens Councillors support NoMs they initiate in order to improve their chances of being carried.

[3] Co-authored with Mary-Lou Jarvis. Residents First Councillors often request that Liberal or Greens Councillors support NoMs they initiate in order to improve their chances of being carried.

[4] Council was subsequently informed by staff on 27 September 2021 that the progression of the draft Edgecliff Planning Strategy through the NSW planning system is one of the conditions of the $4.75 million in funding received for the pedestrianisation of Knox Street.